How to get rid of worms at home?

No one is safe from worms, therefore, the methods of control of parasitic infections should be known to every person. The media used in the home of the worms — the most secure method of getting rid of them. It is the use of medicinal plants that have properties of the destruction of helminth.

The grass

Features of herbal treatment

In the popular medicine, in order to address the parasites, is certain to be of advantages in comparison with the tablets. The natural components available, tested by time, by affecting a person, helping to take the large number of well-known helminths.

The methodology of purification must be carefully chosen, trying to learn from them as much as possible — some of them have an action specified for a particular group of worms and protozoa, and to receive them to other diagnosis is meaningless. In case of doubt, you must dispense with the holding of the self-medication and consult with your doctor.

The basis of popular recipes are different herbal ingredients, able to kill and then kill of the human body the body of the dead worm.

To apply these tools in practice is quite simple, since many of them are available and within the reach of the hand.

The task of the folk medicine

Many people the idea of getting rid of the worms in the home perceive condescending and even negative. This can be explained by the desire of the person to keep up with the time, enjoy the innovation of the pharmaceutical and not to resort to the techniques "of the past century". It also reduces the confidence of a large number of unscrupulous "healers", that for profit, offer to cure any disease with the help of plantain and other herbs, for the money by distributing their products on the internet.

But, in reality, the medicinal plants have the power, if fall into the hands of the competent person. The 100% natural composition and the proper selection of ingredients for the confident influence on the organism of the patient, without causing the system to liver damage, digestive the road, the vessels.

Indiscriminate use of popular recipes in the home can bring misfortune. The whole plant has its list of contraindications, regardless of what that seem harmless. Even chamomile can cause harm if taken the wrong way. Therefore, the apparent simplicity of the alternative medicine, only it looks.

Of the herb, destroy worm, they have toxic effect in — all, without exception, otherwise the treatment would not be of sense. Most of them are poisonous, some irritate the organs of the digestive system, others cause food poisoning. For this reason, the treatment of the media hotel following groups of people:

  • people with chronic pathologies of the digestive system in the phase of exacerbation;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under the age of 2 years.
The grass of helminths

Before you use one of the following recipes, you must make sure that there are no problems with blood pressure, the liver and the kidneys. In the opposite case, to avoid the development of side effects will be almost impossible.

Characteristics of traditional medicine

It is considered that with the aid of the plant can destroy and take out any parasites. It is important to is only competent to organize the process of deworming, breaking alternatively all of its stages. See you at the table.

The phase of treatmentThe mechanism of action of
High schoolUp to 7 days prior to the beginning of the therapy, they start to drink all day pumpkin oil half an hour before intake of food, in order to evacuate toxins from the body.
Deducing from an organism of parasitesIt is based on the respect of recommended doses and the multiplicity of use of medicines.
The recovery ofNormalizes the functioning of the organism in general. Sets the compliance of the diet, the renunciation of its harmful food, treatment broths of herbs for the normalization of the functions of the internal systems of the damaged by the helminths.

By making a list of the main points of the therapy, let's move on to the recipe.

The treatment of adults

To combat the worms remedies at home there are a lot of recipes based on medicinal herbs. We invite you to examine it more simple and effective.

Simple recipes

The tansy ragwort. This plant is anthelmintic action, you can use exclusively for adults. In parasitology apply of its inflorescence.

For the control of nematodes — pinworm and ascaride, you need to grind into powder tansy, and mix with honey in equal proportions. Ok, the half-hour before meals in the morning and at night for 3 days. The receipt of the last portion you need to combine with enemas or purgatives drug.

It is important to respect the dose of tansy ragwort, because the plants are toxic, and if it exceeds the recommended rates, can cause these serious side effects, such as seizures, stomach pain, and vomiting.

The bitter wormwood. Effective against round all the parasites. On the base of the plants prepare effective of the tincture with a marked anthelmintic influence.

In equal proportions, take the pumpkin seeds and crushed leaves of wormwood, fill in with your vodka in a ratio of 1:3. the future of medicine insist 7 days in the shade. Accept the tincture in the morning and in the evening a small drink before the meal. The course is of 2 weeks.

You can't be cured of wormwood the future and breastfeeding mothers, people with stomach ulcer and duodenum.

Tansy ragwort

Helichrysum. Help ribbon of parasites. Work similarly st. john's wort, yarrow and chamomile, which can be used in an assembly or separately. The first option is the most optimal.

To prepare a medicinal tea 2 tablespoons of the herb of the paper flower (or collection of this plant mixed in the same proportions) to fill with 500 ml of boiling water and insist in the term of 12 hours in a thermos. The tool then decant and accepted for half a cup 4 times a day before meals. Course of 10 days.

Helichrysum should not be used for deworming pregnant women with essential hypertension and cholecystitis.

The pumpkin seeds. Quite a popular tool in the fight against the parasites. Helps to cleanse the body of roundworms, tapeworms and some other helminths. There are two forms of treatment pumpkin seed:

  1. Every morning with the empty stomach, eat 2 tablespoons purified and the product crushed. After this, during the hours of not eating anything, and then take a laxative medicine.
  2. On an empty stomach to eat 300 grams of dry seeds. After 30 minutes, drink a glass of warm milk into the previously welded garlic, and even through the same amount of time using a laxative.

The treatment pumpkin of the seed of the hotel to the people with an increase of the acidity in the organs of digestion.

The walnut veneer. Used in the fight against nematodes and cestode (ostritsy, ascaride, hookworms, bovine and porcine tsepni). The recipe in the fight against them is not complicated: 4 tablespoons of crushed immature nuts (mandatory green!) pour a glass of boiling water and insist half an hour. Ready tool filter and is divided into three portions, that it is necessary to drink during the day. The last dose of the infusion complement each other to take a laxative.

The use of the nuts with the medical purpose which is prohibited to pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, persons with an increase of the coagulation of the blood.

The garlic. Powerful anthelmintic, don't spill your popularity. It is active against all parasites, including the most simple — Toxoplasma, amoeba and giardia lamblia.

To prepare a universal remedy garlic crushed 50 grams of refined teeth and pour 200 ml of vodka. Insist in the future, the remedy in the dark of the ware in the period of 7 days. Take 20 drops 3 times a day half an hour before eating. Course of 2 weeks.

The use of garlic in folk medicine it is contraindicated in people with diseases of the kidneys, gastritis and gastric ulcer, as well as epilepsy.

The onion. In the short term poisoned round of parasites. For the cleaning of the earthworm and Ascaris enough only of the receipt of funds.

A large onion grind with the help of a grater and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist on the time limit of 12 hours. When you wake up in the morning to drink with an empty stomach.

The use of the bow to perform the deworming is contraindicated in people with a tendency to an increase of the blood pressure.

The linseed oil. Effective against worms, necator, and Trichinella. Does not act against the Ascaris. The drug is taken for 1 h. the spoon 5 times a day before meals. Course of 2 weeks.

The tool is not recommended when the pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and pregnancy.

Pumpkin oil. Helps to get rid of the tape and circulars of parasites. Take for 1 h. the spoon in the morning, afternoon and evening after the meal. Course of 10 days.

Treatment pumpkin oil is not desirable for people suffering from diabetes and acute cholecystitis.

The wormwood

The cognac. In the wormer help the use of the 4 tablespoons of liqueur, you can dilute regular unsweetened tea in equal proportions. After half an hour take 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Course of treatment of 5 days, the procedure is carried out before going to sleep.

Of parasites with cognac is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, people with epilepsy and high blood pressure, a stomach ulcer.

Bicarbonate of sodium. Everyone knows that baking soda, the part is diluted in the water, it becomes lye. Thanks to this property, you can cleanse the body of excess acids and normalize a natural reaction of the blood (ph 7,42). Soda taken orally and in the form of enemas.

The development of helminth-best of all occurs in an acidic environment. This method is effective against the roundworms, Ascaris, tapeworms, dvuustok and tapeworms. The solution of sodium bicarbonate by mouth before meals, pre-dilution ¼ teaspoon of hot water. If the body holds the product very well, can increase their numbers by half. The course of treatment varies from 15 to 30 days depending on the well-being of the patient.

In addition, put an enema at the rate of 2 l hot water take 30 g of salt and 20 g of soda. Therapy solution, it is recommended that the injection part and always stays in the bowel for at least 30 minutes. Procedure done in the morning or in the evening.

More sophisticated methods

We have made a list of simple recipes that have anthelmintic action, consist of one or two components. Let's now look at more sophisticated methods of control of the adult parasites.

Of the tincture. There is a lot of cleaning cloths with alcohol of funds, created from medicinal plants. Many of them have a universal action.

  • A tablespoon of yarrow, tansy and wormwood, mixed in equal proportions, pour a glass of vodka and insist in not less than 14 days. Ready tool take 20 drops 3 times a day. Course of 2 weeks.
  • 20 grams of chopped garlic and the same quantity of root of radish, pour 500 ml of vodka and the thrust of 10 days. Take by tablespoons tablespoon 2 times a day. Course of 2 weeks.
Pumpkin seeds

Plant charges. The combination of various herbal medicines with anthelmintic action, increases the efficiency of each other and contributes to the detoxification of the body most of the species of parasites.

Popular the triad has established itself as an anthelmintic the tool in alternative medicine. For cooking, you would need 10 g mugwort 15 grams of cloves and 30 g of tansy ragwort. Components take in dry form, mixed thoroughly and used for the schema indicated in the table. Times the amount of the drug — 1 tsp.

Days of treatmentThe recommended dose of
11 teaspoon on an empty stomach before breakfast.
21 teaspoon before morning and the daily intake of food.
3-71 teaspoons 3 times per day.
8-21In the above diagram, once a week.

If desired, the treatment can prolong for several months. Before applying the triad Ivanchenko is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to any of the plant components of the drug.

The tansy, chamomile and wormwood. Another no less effective collection, that is able to drive away the nematodes and protozoa. Take in the same proportions of 30 g of flowers of tansy and chamomile, and the same amount of the blade of artemis. Pour a glass of boiling water and insist within an hour. Enjoy the tool in its entirety in the morning, on an empty stomach. In the evening, prepare the infusion of new and take before going to sleep. Course of 6 days.

Enemas. Help fight with the parasites that live in the intestine. We invite you to browse more recipes that will ensure the purification of the body.

  • 20 g of artemis and the same number of tansy ragwort mix, make a glass of boiling water. Little by little it has cooled infusion add the clove of garlic, crushed. After 3 hours the solution is ready for the realization of an enema. The put at any time of the day within a week. The solution may expel the worms and Ascaris.
  • 50 ml pumpkin oil heat up and win in "the pear". The procedure it is important to do before you go to sleep. The course of two weeks.

An enema of worms, held in the home, must be conducted according to the rules of deworming. Only in this case, to clean the body will be more successful.

Before the introduction of the therapeutic solution with anthelmintic action, it is necessary to remove the intestine of the accumulated slag deposits. To do this, in 2 liters of room temperature water (preferably previously demineralized or defend 24 hours), add 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of apple cider vinegar. The procedure passed in the knee-ulnar position with the retention of the solution 10 to 15 minutes, their number should be divided into four parts, and to be entered in the patient's intestine in portions. We then proceed to the realization of the procedures of treatment.

The garlic

The treatment of children

To combat the worms the child to use maximum respect for the recipes. Proper implementation will allow to clean the baby's body, without having to resort to medications.

Let's talk about effective and simple methods of deworming the children, authenticated users:

  • the nematodes may take that disperse the seeds of pumpkin in the amount of 1 tbsp on an empty stomach after waking;
  • tsepni resolve a clove of garlic, eaten before breakfast for 2 weeks;
  • to expel tape worms and some other parasites in children, it will help the infusion of grenades cobalt: in the bowl of a fruit prepare half a cup of boiling water and give ½ teaspoons 3 times a day. The dose of overcome the hotel, as well as artificially enhanced the actual concentration of a component can be the cause of vision problems in the child;